All images are uploaded to our website unedited for speed of upload. Therefore, all images ordered whether as a digital image or as a print are edited before sending by sensitive cropping straightening and colour and light editing where necessary. Minor photoshop and lightroom work can be offered at no additional cost.
Digital Downloads
We do not offer instant download for digital images because we prefer to edit every image before sending to make all images look the best they can. Your image will be emailed to you as soon as possible (normally with 24 hours for current events) and if it is a social media image also uploaded to the LRG Photography Facebook page in photos ready for you to tag or share. If you prefer not to have the image uploaded to our Facebook page, please indicate this in customer instructions in your order.
Printing and Products
If you wish to organise your own printing or prefer a full resolution digital image this option is also available. These will be emailed to you after any necessary editing (normally within 24 hours for current events) and are not uploaded to Facebook.
We offer a wide range of print sizes, the prices of which are displayed in the event galleries. We also offer low resolution digital images for social media either as stand-alone images or in addition to a print order at a reduced cost.
We have sourced a great canvas provider and can offer this service in a size to suit your requirements. A few standard sizes are available in the galleries, but bespoke sizes are available to order.
A range of collage options are available in several print sizes with the option to purchase a low-resolution social media image of the collage in addition if you wish. A draft collage will be emailed to you for your approval before it is finalised.